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ATOVS Reader Reads ATOVS data from CLASS or EUMETSAT EARS service files, provides false-colour display. ATOVS Reader
Audio Test Set The full Audio Test Set - includes vectorscope, oscilloscope, spectrum analyser and tracking generator.  Register to say "thank you". Audio Test Set
Audio Tools Suite includes SweepGen, SatLevel, ToneBurst, VectorScope. Audio Tools
AVHRR Manager Assemble AVHRR data broadcast over EUMETCast into composite image files and provide real-time reception display. AVHRR Manager
BUFR Viewer Visualise winds from various scatterometer data (ERS-2, Metop-A B & C), and air motion vectors from Meteosat and MODIS data. BUFR Viewer
CHLO Viewer Visualises OceanColor CHLO data from both EUMETCast and Web format sources. CHLO Data Viewer
CMA Data Viewer Visualises selected EUMETCast CMA format data broadcast over EUMETCast. CMA Data Viewer
Disk Tools Suite includes ShowMan (show disk space usage as a piechart), Equalise, FindDuplicates and WinTidy. Disk Tools
HRPT Viewer
Visualise the multi-channel HRPT data from NOAA satellites available from the free DWDSAT basic service over EUMETCast. DWDSAT HRPT
GeoSatSignal Geostationary satellite image processor for false colour, rectified images, weather chart overlays, and animations. GeoSatSignal
GRIB Viewer Program to read and display DWDSAT GRIB data broadcast over the EUMETCast system. GRIB Viewer
Ground Map Program to provide geographic rectification to APT or HRPT images to allow subsequent joining. GroundMap
HDF Viewer Display HDF5 files (from LSA-SAF over EUMETCast). HDF Viewer
HRPT Reader AVHRR/HRPT/CHRPT file reader with temperature and false-colour displays. HRPT Reader
HRPT Toolset Plus All the programs you need to decode HRPT data either from your own HRPT system or from the EUMETCast stream, rectify it to standard map projections, manage your Kepler data, and drive your antenna if required. The Metop Manager for global Metop A, B & C and NOAA-19 data is also included. HRPT Toolset Plus
Image Utilities Suite includes TVwriter, SlideShow, Image View and GreyScale Image Utilities
MapToGeo Convert images in Azimuthal-Equidistant (Plate Carreé) projection to a geostationary projection. MapToGeo
Metop LSA Viewer Visualises the high-resolution land surface temperature and down-welling surface long-wave flux from Metop. Metop LSA Viewer
Metop Manager Manage Metop and NOAA-19 global data broadcast over EUMETCast. Metop Manager
MODIS L1 Viewer Visualises the MODIS L1 data sent over EUMETCast. Please check data availability before purchase! MODIS L1 Viewer
MSG Animator Real-time animation MSG images produced by the MSG Data Manager. MSG Animator
MSG Data Manager Manages MSG data including channel selection, conversion to images, and disk space control. MSG Data Manager
MSG Toolset Plus Bundle of MSG Data Manager, MSG Animator and GeoSatSignal. MSG Toolset Plus
NOAA HDF Viewer Viewer for HRPT data in HDF format (Australian data). (TBA)
Network Tools Suite includes FTPpie (shows disk usage on your Web server) and NTPmonitor. Network Tools
SatSignal APT wave and image file WEFAX processing from polar orbiting and geostationary weather satellites. SatSignal
Sea Ice & SST
Program to read and display OSI-SAF Sea-Ice & Sea-Surface Temperature (SST) data broadcast over EUMETCast. Sea Ice & SST
TVwriter Digital Camera accessory - convert JPEGs for in-camera slideshow on your TV. TVwriter
WXtrack Satellite position and ground image prediction, tracker control. WXtrack

In some cases, registration is required to access added functionality, in others for access to technical support.  Commercial or other profit-making use of my software always requires the purchase of a registration licence. 

Copyright © David Taylor, Edinburgh   Last modified: 2024 Jul 18 at 16:52